The SGEIPL offers best quality training for NDT Level I and Level II certifications as per ASNT SNT-TC-1A from the NDT Experts.
NDT certifications are much needed short term courses for not only mechanical engineers, but even for civil and electrical engineers. Therefore, each training module contains ample practical NDT testing exposure. A combination of classroom and hands on practical sessions quickly improve the NDT skills of trainees.
After the completion of NDT Level 2 training courses, technicians will be able to confidently set up equipment, calibrate that equipment for accurate results, conduct inspections according to best practices and procedures: and more. They will also be able to interpret, evaluate, and document the quantifiable indications that they find. NDT Level 2’s will be able to show a deep understanding of all codes, standards, and other documents that ultimately dictate how a particular NDT method will be utilized in a given environment. A qualified NDT Level 2 trained professional will also be able to act as a mentor and provide on-the-job training for both Level I technicians and NDT trainees.